About MooreTravel

"MooreTravel aims to get more Black/Brown families, big or small, traveling. Not just to our common vacation spots but out of the county."
Who am I? I'm a wife (my Al), mom (of 6 boys), grandma (1 girl) auntie (1 niece, 3 nephews & 2 cats), daughter, sister and manager. My life is fast, complicated, exciting, and busy. Despite the daily to-do list, Sam Club runs and multiple games; I love it all. I do all of the crazy things so I can travel with my family. Growing up I would go on a family vacation with my cousin every summer to Myrtle Beach. Later when we became parents, we would take our kids to continue this same tradition. I finally understood why it was so important for them to take us on vacation. It was the reset, the laughs, adventure, the LOVE.
What I love most is traveling with my family. Our family vacation to Myrtle Beach inspired me to be a travel agent. I love to see families experiencing new things while traveling together.
The question I receive all the time though is, "how do you and your big family travel?" It can be done. It just takes more planning. You need a good plan and patience. My goal at MooreTravel is to design vacations and trips that spark love, adventure, and family.
MooreTravel aims to get more families, big or small, traveling. Not just to our common vacation spots but out of the county. Giving us the ability to leave home and enjoy new views, food and people. In the US and aboard. Are you ready?!
April Moore, Owner / Travel Agent